Thursday, April 05, 2007


So for the first beta there is going to be a lot of options. For the most part folk won't want to adjust them, however they should provide work arounds for most problems you will encounter. In particular since I still don't have adptive steps there is the problem of choosing small enough step sizes, otherwise the fluid blows up, more or less.

There is still a bit to do. I need to put in motion avraging code, theres the partical density and the scale factor to add. Also there is some code cleaning to do. At this point I will stick with the main AoI realease and work with the new beta stuff later. As a result renders are a little slower than they need to be at this point.

Same slosh without the box and using the raytracer

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Been working on the GUI again. Its getting there. It won't be finished by a 0.5 beta but then again I want some feed back on the general GUI design. Hoping to make some serious progress over easter. Although I have 6 hours of leasons to get ready. Heres the latest Vid.

Slosh in a Box