Currently the softbodies are working, with some known shortcomings while I sort out the finer details. Also I keep finding bugs. Right now there needs to be a little bit of a clean up of the raw simulation code. I have too many methods that don't properly document the contract for the engine. So boundaries are a bit of a interesting mix of problems really. Its all experimental code at the core and thus its far from clear what methods work well in practice. A good example is the no slip boundary conditions that are frequently used. When you are using fixed mass particles this turns out to be a really bad approximation, as the boundary layer is smaller that the particle resolution. Simple friction with velocity normals work very well and are much more stable.
I have now read more papers than I care to count on the subject of SPH. There is a general pattern however, and that's that its generally about a 1st to 2nd order method at best. Boundaries are where the side is let down, and even thou there are corrections (that I use) the smoothing kernels limit the local approximation across the parameters. To make a long story short, I'm not aiming for a 3rd/4th order method. In fact I estimate that I have 1st order at the boundaries and 2nd order throughout the fluid. I use only first order explicit time integrators. The combination turns out to not be so bad after all. So I keep the code that works, and its a little adhoc right now.
So the current softbody list of features and antifeatures:
- Interact with each other
- Interact with fluids. ie can float
- Must be a triMesh
- the mesh can be set to approximating to smooth deformations.
- Interactions with each other is from vertex to face. So few vertexs means they tend to interpenetrate a bit.
- Unfortunately you need quite small time steps to keep stable because of the explicit integration scheme.
Soft body and fluids
Deltor - that looks like ice cubes in a glass will be the next thing!
Though ice cubes are more rigid than softbodies, or not?
I love to see that video and the progress of physics.
I agree - it's really great to see you making progress on this plugin. :)
Keep at it!
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